On Monday we had a nice family Thanksgiving dinner and get together. Rob was unable to come because he was working, and Evelyn called to say that her family were turning back because of the roads being slippery with snow. But everyone else was here.
Judy got up during the night and put the turkey in the oven all by herself without me even waking up. That has to be a first!
We visited, ate, played board games, computer games, watched TV, etc. but mostly visited. Blaine's family recently got back from Disneyland so they had a guidebook and lots of pamplets to share with Laurel's family who will be going there in the spring. James and Karen had a new agriculture game that they played after playing the railway game Ticket to Ride.
Because of the cold weather and snow, we were unable to have outdoor activities. Two years ago the weather was beautiful on Thanksgiving day and we all had fun raking leaves and playing in the leaves. Some of the grandchildren still remember the fun time thay had then. This year the leaves were frozen to the trees.
Our new family room downstairs with its table for four got a lot of use, which was nice to see. (The TV saw very little use, which is also nice to see!)
We have so much to be thankful for. We live in a choice land at a special time. We have freedoms and opportunities that our ancestors could only dream of! We enjoy peace and safety and the love of a wonderful family. We are richly blessed, and we took a moment to acknowledge God as the source of our blessings and to give Him thanks.
I hope that you all have had a wonderful week.
Yesterday I finished putting my blog into an MS Word document and printing it. That way if the blog disappears at some point in the future, I will still have a printed copy.

Right now I am sitting at the computer monitoring requests for help from FamilySearch patrons and service missionaries.
... two cases later. The first case was someone who had forgotten her user name and password for the website new.familysearch.org. The other case was someone who had lost a temple card and couldn't find how to reprint it.
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